Best Up North


Fort Mackinac


Inside the stately stone walls it’s a different time. The cannon blasts, the rifles fire, the soldiers march and history comes alive.

The oldest building in Michigan and 13 other historical structures boast exhibits explaining everything from military training and battles to medical treatments to family life within the fort.

Special programs for both kids and adults, and events commemorating the bicentennial of the War of 1812 make Fort Mackinac on Mackinac Island a must-see attraction.

Located within the fort, the Tea Room provides a dining experience with spectacular views over Marquette Park as freighters and ferries pass by all season long.

More than just a military outpost, Fort Mackinac served as a home for soldiers and their families and eventually the headquarters for Mackinac National Park, where tourists to the island visited the great fortress on the bluff, much like they do today.

Located on Mackinac Island. Open for the 2014 Season until late October.

Phone: (906) 847-3328

Fort Mackinac, Mackinac Island
Mackinac State Historic Parks Mackinac State Historic Parks

Visit Fort Mackinac Website >>>>


February 1, 2009 |

Best Up North - Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.